About Us

Achyutram Bhandari

 Tabla Maestro Pt.Dr.Achyutram Bhandari, who has contributed 55 years of his life to classical music, was born in Gokarna, Kathmandu on Asar 15, 2016(29 June 1959). Born into a family with an interest in music, he had an opportunity to enjoy and understand the musical environment from an early age. Understanding his attitude, his father gave him the opportunity to practice music with a music teacher when he was seven years old. In this way, he got a chance to enjoy and revel in the melod...

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Spiritual Music Concert 31st Episode

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Date: 2025-01-30
Spiritual Music Concert 30th Episode

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Date: 2024-12-24
Spiritual Music 29th Episode

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Date: 2024-11-30


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Our Works

we are working as a non profit organization which gives education about the our cultural music. we arrange many events for charity to this organizations students. we belive that you also want to join us in non-profit organization (NPO) is one which is not driven by profit but by dedication to a given cause that is the target of all income beyond what it takes to run the organization. Non-profit organizations are often used for trusts, cooperatives, advocacy, charity, environmental and religious groups.

आउनुहोस् ! हामीसँग जोडिनुहोस् ! हातमा हात मिलाएर हामीसँग हातेमालो गर्नुहोस् ! तपाइँको एक समर्थन र सहयोगले हजारौँ हातहरु अघि बढ्नेछन् ! आफ्ना सन्तानलाई बाकसमा हेर्न बाध्य बुवा आमाहरुले आफ्नै देशमा सन्तानको भविष्य सुनिश्चित गर्न पाउनेछन् !
आउनुहोस् संगीतबााटै हामी हजारौँ युवाहरुलाई रोजगारी दिलाउँ,स्वावलम्वी बनाउँ !